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Big Dry Friday 2024

More than $1.5 million raised for rural and regional education, mental health support and more.

Big Dry Friday 2024 was an exciting mix of events across Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne, with Perth to come in November. View highlights below.

On behalf of the Big Dry Friday team, we sincerely thank you for your generous support of rural and regional Australia.

​Due to the phenomenal generosity of the extended Big Dry Friday community; including Morgans retail advisers and institutional advisers who donated their brokerage on the day, we raised more than $1.5 million on Friday 26 July, 2024.


The success of this initiative relies on the combined effort of many. Thank you for the part you have played. 

Funds will be donated directly to our four major beneficiaries, Rural Aid, Schools Plus, Outback Futures and the Royal Flying Doctor Service, as well as numerous localised beneficiaries across Australia.


This brings the total tally raised to more than $7.7 million over the past seven years, which has been donated to rural and regional charities focused on education, healthcare, mental wellbeing and those suffering financial hardship through natural disasters.







Below you'll see a collection of images from across the country including Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne.


Thank you to our supporters


Big Dry Friday received some incredible support from The Morgans Foundation, The Goldburg Family Foundation, Graeme and Liz Wikman, Senex, S.Kidman & Co, Pinnacle, Five V Capital, Metrics, Resolution Capital and Spheria and hundreds of generous Morgans clients amongst many others.



Strategic partners 2024


Major partners 2024

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Key supporters 2024

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